Author: trish

What is the best diet to support healthy hormones and weight loss?

Are you thinking about starting a diet but don’t know where to start?

Maybe you have heard all about the keto diet and want to know more.

This blog will help give you a rundown of the basics of a ketogenic diet so you can decide if this is your next step toward overall health.

A ketogenic diet is essentially a low-carb, high-fat diet which has myriad health benefits, from weight loss and appetite control to better maintenance of blood sugar levels. It may reverse the development of type 2 diabetes and helps control the onset of epileptic seizures.

Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet, commonly known as “the keto,” is a very low-carb, high-fat diet. It involves a drastic reduction of carbohydrates, replacing them with high-fat foods.

This reduction in carbs makes the body to go into the metabolic state known as ketosis, hence the name. In ketosis, our body becomes more efficient at burning fat to release energy by turning fat cells into ketones in the liver, which are helpful for supplying energy to the brain. Ketogenic diets have numerous health benefits; here are just a few:

Benefits of Ketogenic Diet

Weight loss

The ketogenic diet promotes weight loss by turning your body into a fat-burning machine. An increased speed of fat burning and a drop in insulin levels creates the ideal circumstance for weight loss without excessive hunger.

Balancing hormones

A Keto diet can help with hormone imbalances by improving insulin performance. Insulin resistance is extremely common, but most people are unaware of the problem until they develop serious chronic health issues. The Keto diet affects cortisol.

Cortisol is a hormone released by your adrenal glands. The adrenal glands sit above your kidneys and release hormones into your bloodstream and respond to feedback from other hormones and chemicals in your body.

You can cause adrenal exhaustion from putting stress on your adrenals from a glucose response when we eat carbohydrates.  Keto can help women with PCOS and other hormone imbalances including PMS, Endometriosis, and menopause.

Boosted energy levels and mental performance

A ketogenic diet stimulates the flow of ketones to the brain, which enhances brain focus and performance. It also boosts energy levels as the heavy fat cells that cause lethargy are burned.

Appetite control

A ketogenic diet supports better appetite control. As the body burns fat throughout the day, you have constant access to energy, which results in reduced feelings of hunger. This makes it possible for you to eat less and lose excess weight more easily while balancing your blood sugar levels.

Blood Sugar Control

The ketogenic diet controls blood sugar levels and may help reverse the development of type 2 diabetes. This happens as ketosis lowers blood sugar levels while reducing the negative effects of higher insulin levels. It may also be helpful in preventing the onset of pre-diabetes.


The ketogenic diet has been shown as an effective therapy for epilepsy because it may reduce seizures while helping to reduce the side effects of some anti-epilepsy drugs.

Enhanced physical endurance

A ketogenic diet can improve physical endurance by providing constant access to energy by continuously burning fat.

Foods to eat

A ketogenic diet includes increasing the amount of the following foods in your diet plan.

  • Fatty fish: Salmon, trout, tuna, etc.
  • Meat: Red meat, steak, chicken, turkey, etc.
  • Eggs
  • Butter and cream
  • Unprocessed cheese
  • Nuts and seeds, including almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, etc.
  • Healthy oils: virgin olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil
  • Avocados
  • Low-carb veggies
  • Seasonings, including salts, spices, and herbs.

Foods to avoid

Foods high in carbohydrates should be avoided or limited. The following foods should be reduced or completely avoided while on a ketogenic diet.

  • Sugary and processed foods
  • Grains or starches
  • Fruit, with the exception of berries
  • Low-fat or diet products
  • Beans or legumes
  • Root vegetables
  • Condiments that contain sugar
  • Unhealthy fats
  • Alcohol
  • Sugar-free diet foods

How to tell if you are in ketosis?

When a person is in nutritional ketosis, they will have blood ketone levels of 0.5–3 millimoles per liter. Alternatively, people can use a breath analyzer to test for ketones in their breath, or they may use indicator strips to check their urinary levels. Ketone testing kits are available to purchase online.

The ketogenic diet offers plenty of benefits, but, as with many eating plans, requires a change in mindset. Consider giving it a test run for a few weeks to see if it is for you and reap the rewards!

What I recommend for healthy hormones and a happy gut.

Eat unprocessed food, avoid sugar, alcohol and too much caffeine. Make sure you are adequately hydrated and get plenty of omega 3 in your diet.

If you want to know more about eating to manage your hormones, lets talk.

Book a free half hour consultation with me if you are struggling and confused about what to eat. Find a time to suit here


Yours in health and wellness,


Trish Tucker May

PS If you would like to learn more about my gut and hormone balancing 8 week program just click here

It may be the support you are looking for right now.

Go into 2021 feeling energized, brighter and lighter. 

How To Start Your Day Off Right

Are you considering moving to clean eating, but cannot find the time to start?

It may be that clean eating sounds like an entire lifestyle shift, one that requires proper planning and proper initiation.

You may be putting it off until you get a few days off from work or when that one big project is over. You will keep looking for reasons to put off change until you realize that you can just break down that change into smaller pieces and start integrating it slowly into your life.

You will not be asked to change everything in order to live better and brighter; you only need to remember a few things as guiding principles to set out on a new journey.

Start your day by checking out the health of your tongue.  This will tell you a lot about your digestive system. A healthy tongue means a healthy digestive system. If you tongue is furry and coated, your digestive system needs some extra attention.

Oil pulling is an easy technique to do first thing.

Oil pulling with coconut oil and essential oils

Oil pulling is an amazingly effective advanced tools because it cleanses the mouth of bacteria and yeast.  This supports a healthy oral microbiome and healthy saliva production. We always start to heal digestive issues by looking at the health of the tongue, saliva, chewing and oral hygiene.

Oil pulling therapy is a simple, yet astoundingly effective method of cleansing the blood. It is helpful for numerous disorders, including blood diseases, lung and liver disorders, tooth and gum diseases, headaches, skin diseases, gastric ulcers, intestinal problems, poor appetite, heart and kidney ailments, encephalitis, nervous conditions, poor memory, female disorders, swollen face and bags under the eyes – so pretty much everything really!

The therapy consists of simply of swishing oil in the mouth.  Best done in the morning, preferably before breakfast.  Put 1 tablespoon of unrefined olive, coconut, or sesame oil along with 1-2 drops of peppermint or tea tree essential oil.

Do not swallow it.  Slowly swish the oil around, chew it, and draw it through your teeth for 3 to 4 minutes.  You do not want any of the released toxins to be reabsorbed so spit out after 4 minutes.  Spit the oil into the garden or garbage bin to prevent it from clogging your sink. Rinse your mouth with water and sea salt, then brush your teeth.

You will find that the oil takes on a milky white or yellowish colour as it becomes saturated with toxins and billions of destructive bacteria.

Follow this with tongue scraping and a glass of salty water to swish around and rinse your mouth.

Shake and wake to stimulate the lymphatic system. Take a few deep breathes and check in with how you are feeling. Observe nature, the sunrise, the birds and if possible, get outside first thing.  Feel connected to the infinite source of energy that is your birthright. Know that you can tap into this infinite source of energy at any time during the day by returning to the breath.

Choosing what you eat first thing is vital for energy and feeling great. Toast and Jam will not be enough.

One of the most important aspects of clean eating is what you choose to eat. That does not mean just planning meals according to the old school food pyramid; it means that whatever you choose to eat, the closer it is to its natural state, the better it is for you.

Try to avoid foods that have been refined, processed, or preserved. It is always better to go natural to benefit from inherent nutrients without the chemicals or preservatives that may reduce a food’s natural goodness.

When you are trying to eat clean, it is also a good idea to eat organic. In this day and age, enhancements and hormone treatments have crept into all kinds of foods. This ends up having an adverse effect on your health even if you are eating what you should in all the right quantities. It is important to start choosing organic; a little vigilance goes a long way.

Always read labels. They give away everything you need to know about the food you are buying. In general, the more ingredients a product contains, the higher chances there are that the food is processed. Even if you try eating healthy, there is a chance that the products you buy may contain preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and colours that make the healthy, unhealthy. Read the label to make sure that the yogurt you add to your bowl of berries is not going to ruin your clean eating.

The simplest trick to eating clean is to remember the eating clean equals to eating greens. Start your day with a green juice or smoothie.

This is the bare minimum to jumpstart into clean eating. Try your hardest to incorporate leafy greens into whatever you are preparing for healthy servings of vitamins A, C, and E, as well as increased fiber, which boosts your metabolism by assisting digestion.

By filling you up with the least number of calories but the most amount of nutrients, leafy greens help you to be healthy with just one color. This is an easy place to start. With the myriad smoothie and salad recipes out there today, leafy greens can always find a way into your diet.

Try this adrenal healing juice if you are feeling wired, tired, and overwhelmed.


  • Handful of basil leaves
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 handful of kale
  • 1 large cucumber
  • 1 handful of spinach
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 200ml coconut water


Wash and juice all the ingredients except the chia seeds. This recipe works better in a slow masticating juicer. If you don’t have a slow juicer you are better off juicing the carrots and cucumber, then mixing in the leafy greens in the blender. After juicing all of the veggies, stir in the chia seeds and allow to sit for 8-10 minutes for the chia to swell.

Stir again and enjoy!

We have talked about adding to your clean diet. Now let us talk about omission. One of the simplest things you can omit for maximum effect is artificial sugar. Start identifying all things that contain artificial sweeteners.

Drop that can of fizzy, say no to biscuits and cakes, and you are on your way to clean eating. Watch how your energy stabilizes and your mood lifts when you leave out artificial sugar that plays havoc with your blood sugar levels.

Clean eating does not have to be difficult or intimidating. Start small and implement easy, gradual changes into your regular eating habits to get yourself on the right path toward better health.

Start your day in the right way and quickly see the benefits.

If you would like to learn more about my 8 weeks to feeling fabulous program just click here

Yours in health and wellness,

Trish Tucker May

What are the best foods to easily reduce cellulite?

Cellulite can be stubborn, but it is not impossible to get rid of especially once we reach the peri-menopausal phase of life.

Cellulite is caused by fat cells that have expanded beneath our skin, and they look uneven because they push against our tissues.  The normal dimpling of the skin occurs as the subcutaneous fat breaks past the cell wall and into the connective tissue.  Topical use of essential oils can be very beneficial especially when combined with dry skin brushing.

Adding grapefruit, wild orange, lavender, lemon and cinnamon combinations of oils to your dry skin brushing brings extra circulation to the cells beneath the skin.

Cellulite Eraser Cream

1/4 cup Cold pressed coconut oil

1/2 cup Organic Shea butter

3 Tbsp Olive oil

30 drops Grapefruit

20 drops Wild Orange

10 drops Lavender

10 drops Lemon

Melt coconut oil & shea butter. Add all other ingredients. Let harden slightly & whip. Store in glass container.

Dry brush skin in circular motion on affected areas.

Apply cream & massage over areas previously dry brushed.

*consistency is key* apply daily!


I know ladies who come to my treatment room who worry about the appearance of cellulite and feel that it has become more obvious during peri-menopause.

Cellulite is commonly found in the thigh area, at the back of our arms, and on our butts. Adding some of these foods to your diet may help you reduce your cellulite and prevent more.  Including these techniques into your self-care regime will also reduce the appearance of cellulite.


  1. Sunflower seeds:

Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamins E and B6, zinc, and potassium. These nutrients help repair tissue connections by metabolizing the protein in your body. They can also help remove excess water from your body, which is responsible for making your cellulite look more visible and prominent. As a side note, sunflower seeds are very salty and can make your mouth dry; be sure to hydrate appropriately.


  1. Salmon:

Salmon is beneficial for your overall health, including toward eliminating the cellulite on your body. It contains omega-3 fatty acids, which strength, and repair tissue connections. They also contain properties that reduce inflammation in your body and curb your appetite. Salmon can remove toxins that build up in your bloodstream and in your tissues.


  1. Dark-coloured berries:

Dark berries like blueberries and blackberries come in handy for trying to get rid of body cellulite. These berries stimulate the production of collagen, which is responsible for creating new skin tissue and maintaining its colour and texture. These berries and their antioxidant properties can also break down the fat that is attached to the connective tissue due to their antioxidant properties. This allows the skin to push fat cells below the surface so that your skin does not appear lumpy and uneven.


  1. Hot peppers and chili:

Hot peppers contain vitamin B6, which helps restore the health of your connective tissues. Their antioxidant and metabolism-boosting properties can help burn the fat cells responsible for cellulite. Hot peppers and chili can also flush out toxins from your body and reduce fat storages by regulating the flow of your blood circulation.


  1. Herbal teas and water:

Herbal teas and water are the best and the easiest way to flush out harmful toxins and reduce those lumpy fat storages in cellulite.  Make it a habit to drink loads of water throughout the day and drink green tea or any other herbal tea after each meal to help get rid of those uneven and lumpy fat cells stuck beneath your tissues.


  1. Dark chocolate:

Dark chocolate can be beneficial for your health if eaten first thing in the morning. Dark chocolate is not only delicious, but it can play a huge role in firing up your metabolism and aiding in your weight loss and fat loss. It contains antioxidant properties that help break down fat cells, improve the overall functioning of your cells, and help build new cells.

In addition to these foods, you can also add other foods that contain antioxidant properties like hummus, olive oil, saffron, apple cider vinegar, cranberry juice, broccoli, oranges, turmeric, garlic, watermelon, grapefruit, apricots, and tomatoes.

If you would like to learn more about my 8 weeks to FEELING FABULOUS gut and hormone balancing program click here

Yours in health and wellness,

Trish Tucker May

How to Jump-start Your Weight Loss

Everyone wants to lose weight quickly, but there is no magic pill that can make you thin in a month. However, there are several ways that you can jump-start your weight loss by increasing your metabolism.

  1. Keep yourself hydrated:

This is the most basic and easiest way to jumpstart your weight loss. Drinking a lot of water and detoxifying herbal teas will help you flush all the harmful toxins from your body, boosting your metabolism by improving the efficiency of your thyroid functioning. Drink five glasses of water daily at the very least to keep your body at its best. Drinking a lot of water and herbal teas, especially first thing in the morning and before meals, will also curb your hunger and prevent you from binge eating.

  1. Get enough sleep:

Your diet, your workout, and all the water that you consume will go to waste if you fail to get enough quality sleep.

Good sleep help to keep your hormones and your mood balanced. If your hormones and your mood are balanced, then your body will function more efficiently and will keep all your unnecessary cravings at bay.

Make sure to give yourself a peaceful night of at least eight hours. This takes discipline. Turn off the screen, lower the lights, put your favourite oils into the diffuser and sleep all night long.

I run regular sleep trials using essential oils so if you want to trial this protocol let me know.

  1. Hot lemon water:

Drinking hot lemon water early in the morning before breakfast helps fire up your metabolism.  I love adding 1 drop of DoTERRA lemon or grapefruit oil to my water. It doesn’t have the same effect on the tooth enamel as the lemon juice and is a great support for the liver.

  1. Health shots:

Another way you can fire up your metabolism is by having a health shot of lemon, honey, ginger, and turmeric first thing in the morning. It might taste disgusting, but it has a dramatic impact on your metabolism.  I love a good strong ginger shot. Juice 1 whole lemon, a big chunk of ginger, 1 small piece of turmeric and a pinch of cayenne pepper.  This is a great way to fire up the digestion and keep unwanted seasonal threats away.

  1. Pre-workout hydration:

Drinking loads of water or green tea before a workout is an easy and efficient way to burn twice the amount of calories that you usually do.

  1. Cardio:

Exercises that keep your heartbeat up are another way to burn a lot more calories and jumpstart your weight loss. You can add exercises like planks, burpees, and jumping jacks to get your heart pumping.  If you hate the thought of burpees try a gentle run walk run for 20 minutes a day.

  1. Fidget:

Some studies have shown that people who have a habit of fidgeting or bouncing their knees can burn up to 500 more calories a day.

  1. Spice is the key:

Spicy food burns more calories during digestion because it can fire up your metabolism. Add a few more spicy foods, like hot peppers, to your diet. You can add jalapeno in almost any dish you like, even in your eggs. Spices also add a ton of flavor with little to no calories.

Cayenne pepper, cinnamon oil, cinnamon powder are all great ways to fire up the digestion.  Try dipping a toothpick into cinnamon oil and placing it in between your teeth when you have a craving.

  1. Graze throughout the day:

Another trick is to eat five or six small meals throughout the day instead of eating three large meals. If you keep eating small amounts, your body will be constantly functioning to break down that food into energy. Your body will learn to work more efficiently and will burn more calories.  Make sure small meals contain enough protein and good fats to help with hunger.

  1. Drink black coffee once a day:

Drinking pure black coffee at least once a day will boost the rate at which your body burns calories.


Losing weight is not meant to be an expeditious activity; your body does not function that way. Slow and gradual weight loss often requires a lifestyle change. If you are unsure where to start, reach out to me.

These tips should be practiced along with a healthy diet and exercise for best results.  They may be able to give your body that little extra boost it needs to power into weight loss mode.

If you would like to learn more about my 8 Weeks to Feeling Fabulous Program email



I am helping to run a study on dōTERRA essential oils in September and I can invite 10 people I know to the study group.

You might really enjoy this so I wanted to give you the chance to be involved.

There are 4 studies and you can choose one of them to participate in:


Digestive Support

Pain and Discomfort Help

Stress & Mood support

Sleep Support


You’ll get some free samples to try for 7 days and a thank you gift for completing.

Would you like to participate in one of these health topics?

Yours in health and wellness,

Trish Tucker May

How to Commit to Change so that it lasts

Change is healthy and necessary, and the fast-paced world in which we live is constantly changing. If we fail to adapt and commit to change, then we will fail to thrive in life. If you sit down and reflect honestly, you will probably observe that change is the only constant thing in our lives.

It is imperative that we learn to adapt and commit to change.

Here are a few ways to help you commit to change.

#1: Define your commitment

First things first, define what type of change you want to commit to.  In the 8-week to feeling fabulous program we spend time to get clear and honest with ourselves about what we really want to change and why.  When the WHY is big enough you will move mountains.

If you do not know what you are committing to, then you will never be able to deeply commit to change.

Be clear and be honest while defining your commitment. Make a plan by defining why you are doing this and how are you going to do this. You can use a notebook for this purpose and journal about what you really want for your future self.

Let’s use the example of fitness. If you do not like the condition your body is currently in, you might decide to change it.

You must define why are you doing this; be as clear, honest and detailed as you can. Then draft a plan regarding the methods you are going to practice achieving this, such as improving your eating habits and increasing your physical activity.

This will make you aware of what you are committing to and prepare yourself for the work ahead.


#2: Do not be a spectator

The second thing to improve commitment to change is to make sure you are not “faking it!”

Don’t say you want to change without participating in the effort.

Commitment is an obligation that you cannot fulfil if you do not fully engage with it.

I did this for years about ditching the booze. I wanted the change, I wanted the better sleep and the calmer nerves but I wasn’t ready to doing the work.  Once I made a commitment to myself, doing the work and being persistent became so much easier.  I had to dig deeper into my WHY. Once the reason why became bigger than the perceived benefits of the habit, the change was easy.

Staying with the example of fitness, you are just “checking the block” if you are just going to the gym to say you went to the gym.

If you are not changing your eating habits as well; you will not reach the results you want.   I love helping women make lasting change in all areas of life. This goes beyond gut healing and becomes a who life journey.

Once you have a small success in one area of your health you will also have the motivation to change other areas of your health.

Before you know it, you are sleeping all night long, feeling great about yourself, feeling lighter and more aligned to your life purpose.

To get the best results and to fully embrace the change, you have to commit to a healthy overall lifestyle with persistent effort AND by changing your eating habits.

You must completely invest yourself in what the change requires.


#3: Be persistent

Commitment requires persistence.

You cannot chicken out because you are finding it hard to adapt to change or if the change is not immediately working out for you. That is not how it is done. To acquire great results from the change, you have to practice persistence.

Again, using the example of fitness, some days you will do well; you will eat healthy meals and you will workout like a beast. Other days will not go so smoothly.

These small failures only equate to big failures if you do not persevere and power past them to try again the next day.

You must be persistent to get the results your heart desires.


#4: Revisit and Refresh your motivations often.

Motivation is not permanent; it requires revisiting and refreshing. Motivation doesn’t fall out of the sky and land in your lap. It happens once you start to make progress.

Go back to your notebook where you defined your commitments. Re-read those reasons and plans that you wrote down while you were defining your commitments when you were powerfully motivated.

This will reignite that spark. If your motivations have changed, draft your plan again and add some new reasons to the list.  Your reasons WHY will change as you get older.  Maybe it has gone beyond your kids and becomes more about your energy, your life purpose and what you want to achieve in this life.

Committing to change—any change—is significant and can be daunting.

Take some “baby steps” with these four tips to get started and remember that slow and steady wins the race.

If you would like to learn more about my 8 weeks to feeling fabulous guided program book a free discovery call so we can see if the program is right for you. Book a time that is suitable here


Yours in health and wellness,

Trish Tucker-May



How to Alkalize Your Body

Alkalizing your body simply means reducing its acidity, and you can do that by eating the right kind of foods.

There are a lot of benefits to alkalizing your body. An alkalized body often results in more nights of peaceful, deep sleep; an increase in energy; and a reduction in weight.

Alkalizing your body also promotes mental alertness, reduces candida growth, improves memory, generates healthier tissues, ensures proper functioning of your cells, supports a healthier heart, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases and muscle degeneration.

Alkalizing your body is a gift that you can give yourself.

Here are eight ways to do it.

  1. Not all acidic foods are bad.

This may seem counter-productive since you are trying to reduce acid levels in your body, but not all acidic foods are bad for you. Case in point: lemon.

Lemon may be an acidic food, but it helps to alkalize your body instead of harm it.

Add a few drops of lemon essential oil to a glass of water and drink it first thing in the morning. I recommend only DoTERRA certified pure therapeutic grade oils for this and can help you get started with the best oils for your health goals.

This will increase your body’s metabolism and help detoxify all the acids and toxins in your body.

  1. Devour the greens.

Another great way to alkalize your body is by adding green vegetables and fruits in your diet. Try a simple green salad with olive oil and sprinkle with some black pepper for seasoning.

  1. A for alkalizing. A for almonds.

Try adding unsalted and raw almonds to your diet as a snack. Almonds contain naturally occurring alkaline, magnesium, and calcium, which help your body to balance your body’s blood sugar and acidity.

  1. Don’t choose the cow.

Switch your milk to non-dairy, like almond milk or organic, NON GMO soy milk, because cow’s milk promotes more acid growth.

  1. Workout.

Exercise is vital to alkalizing your body. Even just fifteen minutes of exercise moves the acidic foods in your body to a position where it is easier to eliminate them from your body.

  1. Meditate.

Meditate daily in fresh air or invest in essential oils or a salt lamp.

Essential oils are known for purifying and cleansing your body. Investing in a Himalayan sea salt lamp will prove beneficial toward alkalizing your body because it will cleanse and purify it by producing negative ions and cancelling out the positive ions in your surroundings and in your body.

  1. Quit the meat.

Try to consume as little meat as possible. Better yet, start a completely plant-based diet. Meat tends to leave residual acid in your body even after it has been eliminated.  More plant based meals during the week will benefit your hormones and give you more energy.

  1. No more sugar. No more soda.

Cut out all alcohol, sweet drinks, carbonated drinks and sugar from your diet because they are nothing but empty calories. Choose water or green tea instead because they will detoxify your body from acidity.

An alkalized body is a balanced, happy body.

Try integrating a few of these into your daily routine and experience the difference of an alkalized body!

Have you been feeling overwhelmed with stress, worry and disturbed sleep?

You can ignore the root cause of the problem by drinking red wine. You can indulge in all the delicious home baked cakes made with love by your kids, but guess what?

The longer you ignore the root cause of your hormone hell, the worse the whispers will become. Ignore them long enough and your body will start to shout. You will end up at the menopause with severe headaches, brain fog, skin rashes and feeling ugly.

Your body does not like being ignored.  If you are not sleeping well your hormones will also be in havoc.   The more you worry, the less you digest and the more you will become accidentally overweight.

It’s a vicious cycle that wreaks havoc with hormones and digestion.  The two are closely linked and will also impact how you feel.  This makes you feel lousy about yourself and your life. You end up feeling unlovable and a long way from beautiful and sexy.

I work with ladies like this every day.

We work through the 7 foundations to healing from the inside out and we do that together.

They feel supported so they get the results.

Once we reach 40, we need to nourish ourselves in a different way.

If I could show you how to dissolve your hormones symptoms and reduce digestive stress in 8 weeks, would you join me?

If you would like to learn more about this ‘8 weeks to feeling fabulous’ program email me at

Yours in health and wellness,

Trish Tucker May


Protein For Happy Hormones – A Quick And Easy Guide

What are proteins and how do they help us?

Proteins are made of amino acids, which are known as the building blocks for a healthy and efficiently functioning body. These amino acids join together to enhance the overall functioning of your body. We need protein to regulate blood flow and they are responsible for producing neurotransmitters, neurons, hormones, enzymes, and antibodies, without which our body completely fails to function like it should.

Adequate amounts of protein help replace worn out cells in your body and transport essential nutrients from one organ to another. Furthermore, it also aids in repairing your body and promoting growth. Protein increases the levels of hormone glucagon in your body, which help control body fat, and converts “lazy fat” cells into energy.

How much protein do you actually need?

The amount of protein you need completely depends on your personal health and how active you are in your daily routine.

The recommended amount for the average adult is 0.8 grams of protein, but most nutritionists generally agree that at least 0.36 grams per one pound of weight are more beneficial.

For instance, if a person weighs around 150 pounds, then he or she should consume at least 54 grams of protein per day to maintain overall hormone health.

This could look like the following:

2 eggs 12 gr

1 cup beans  15 gr

¼ cup almonds 7.5 gr

1 cup wild rice 6.5 gr

1 cup broccoli 2.1 gr

1 cup oats 7 gr

1 cup quinoa 8 gr

However, amount of protein protects you from falling prey to any sort of protein deficiency; if you train hard or are physically active, you need to increase that amount to regulate hormone function.

Nutritionists agree that we only need a small amount of protein to survive, but we need to increase the amount of protein in our diet if we want to actually thrive.

The right way to consume protein

According to the Precision Nutrition guidelines, we can only store a limited amount of protein. You have to wait for your body to replenish its already stored protein before you consume more of it. Consuming a healthy amount of protein can lead to the healthy functioning of your hormones, which promotes a strong immune system, efficient metabolism, and improved physical performance.

If you have trouble digesting protein you may be low in hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Taking a digestive enzyme or having a spoonful of apple cider vinegar in water can help before each meal if you experience any discomfort when eating protein.

Protein can be poison: Can I overdo protein consumption?

Remember to consume all things, even the healthy ones, in moderation because anything that is consumed in excess becomes poison for your body. The same is true for protein consumption because the extra protein in your body can convert into fat or sugar, negating any positive effect the protein would have in the first place. Overconsumption of protein is primarily counter-productive; it rarely causes serious malady but should be monitored all the same.

Protein is essential for your body to survive and thrive. Start looking at your food labels and find out just how much protein your regular diet provides you before making any significant changes.


If you would like to learn more about 8 week HOW TO NOURISH for happy hormones just click here

Imagine kissing…

food allergies
leaky gut
toxic pounds
brain fog

Monthly headaches or migraines

Hormone havoc
and adrenal fatigue
goodbye forever.

Give me 8 weeks and I’ll help you get there.
Introducing the 8-Week Restore Your Gut Health program—the only program designed to help you rehabilitate your gut and reclaim the life you deserve.

You can also watch this on my YouTube Channel and while you are there be sure to subscribe.

It is worthwhile booking a discovery call so I can help you understand your symptoms.

Yours in health and wellness,

Trish Tucker May

Habits to Start Your Morning Right


Your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day, so you need to start your day right to not just to get by, but to conquer the rest of your day. To adding these tips to your morning routine.

  1. Plan your things the night before.

You have two choices: you can start your morning calm and pre-planned, or you can rush around, not sure what you put in your bag and what you did not. Make sure you start the day with a big glass on water.

  1. Oil pulling is a great technique.

Oil pulling is one of my favorite and most effective advanced tools because it cleanses the mouth of bacteria and yeast that can lead to infection and toxicity in the body.

You should oil pull in the morning on an empty stomach and follow up with tongue scraping (above).

  • Put 1-2 tablespoons of coconut or sesame oil in your mouth.
  • Add in 3 drops of DoTERRA tea tree oil or peppermint oil to support the lymphatic system and help the saliva ducts.
  • Swish the oil for 5-20 minutes.
  • Spit the oil into the trash to prevent it from clogging your sink.
  • Rinse your mouth with water and sea salt, then brush your teeth.
  • Follow up with tongue scraping.
  1. Tongue scraping

Tongue scraping is one of my go-to tools to relieve my body of toxicity. This removes mucus and toxic buildup in your mouth.

You can purchase a tongue scraper or simply use a spoon. I use Dr. Tung’s Tongue Cleaner.

In the morning and at night, reach to the back of your tongue with your scraper and pull forward, scraping off the white film and then repeating.

You have a ton of things in your hand including your breakfast, your hair is undone, your shoes are missing, and everything is chaos. To ensure a pleasant morning, plan a few things ahead of time. Before you go to bed in the evening, you can shower, set out and iron your clothes out, set out the products that you are going use, pack your essentials, and make sure your shoes have their match and are waiting by the door.

  1. Wake up a little earlier.

If you find it hard to plan out your routine the night before, try waking up a few minutes earlier than the time you actually need to be up. You will reap a lot of benefits if you wake up just ten minutes earlier. You can have a calm and enjoyable morning instead of a rushed one. You will the time to actually wake your brain up so you can inspect your essentials with an alert and avoid mistakes. Start by waking up 10 minutes earlier each day, gradually working toward 30 minutes by the end of the month. This will give you time to say some affirmations or do gentle yoga or tai chi – this is a great way to support the gut brain axis and the parasympathetic nervous system.

  1. Wake up immediately.

You snooze, you lose. Always wake up the instant you hear your alarm go off. That five minutes of extra sleep is doing nothing but harm and may be confusing your brain. What is the guarantee that you will wake up after five minutes and not an hour later?

  1. Make your bed.

To make sure that you do not jump right back in, make your bed right after you get out of it. This will make you feel productive and motivated to start the rest of your morning right. You will feel like you have already checked one thing off your mornings to do list.

  1. Stretch and smile.

Wake up with a stretch and a smile. Stretching wakes up your body and smiling releases endorphins that will make you feel more positive throughout your morning and the rest of your day. If you don’t try to shake that groggy and grumpy feeling first thing in the morning, chances are that you will be more tired and grumpy throughout the rest of the day.

  1. Brush your teeth immediately.

Some people believe in brushing their teeth after they are completely done with their morning routine, but it is better to brush your teeth first thing when you get into the bathroom. It will wake you up by getting rid of your morning breath and increase alertness by activating your senses.  The sense of smell and taste have a big impact on the gut health.  If you are losing the sense of smell you may also have a compromised digestive function.   Seeing a nutritionist about why this is happening will improve your energy and the absorption of vital nutrients.

  1. Let the natural light in.

Open your blinds and pushing back your curtains. Let all that natural light in. It will make you feel happy and positive. You will be a lot slower in the morning if you skip this step. This little night to morning transition will go a long way toward powering you through your morning routine.   This will stimulate cortisol and help you feel more awake. Sleep is a 24-hour cycle and we need a balance of hormones to help us feel awake when we should be and sleep well all night long.

  1. Take a few minutes to sit down and digest breakfast.

Eating as you race out the door or driving will impact your digestion.  Allow time for chewing, swallowing and the process of digestion to happen.  You should chew each mouthful between 30-40 times, not 3 or 4. This same applies to smoothies and juices. Slow it down and feel the benefits.

If you would like to learn more about my ‘8 weeks to feeling fabulous’ program just click here

Yours in health and wellness,

Trish Tucker May


Foods to Help You Sleep

Woman sleeping
Sleep for health

Sleep 7 –9 hours a night is the recommendation to not just function, but to thrive in your life. You probably already know those nights that you barely get any sleep because:

#1: you couldn’t shut your mind

#2: had the list of to-dos running through it

#3: had to get work done

#4: your kids kept you up

So, you could hardly focus on anything. Because SLEEP – just didn’t happen!


A Harvard study claimed, “lack of adequate sleep can affect judgment, mood, ability to learn and retain information, and may increase the risk of serious accidents and injury.” The report also mentioned that sleep deprivation could lead to health problems and even early mortality. Wow! We need some sleep, like NOW!

If you’ve been wishing for just ONE night of sleep? What if you could have plenty of those nights? Wouldn’t that just be AMAZING?

Sleep has a huge impact on your hormones.

The vital sleep hormones are cortisol and melatonin

Sleep is a 24-hour cycle, not just something that happens when you go to bed. In the morning, your body makes cortisol to wake you up. In the evening it makes melatonin to make you sleepy. Hormonal factors that influence sleep can include making too much cortisol, making cortisol at the wrong times of day, and not making enough melatonin.

Serotonin also influences sleep

A healthy sleep cycle includes anchoring both cortisol and melatonin, so that you are awake and alert when you should be, and tired when you should be.

Sleep is when we repair cells – the heart of the immune system.

Reducing cortisol during the day and evening with diet, stress management and essential oils

Set a bedtime routine, including using essential oils to support the production of serotonin. Your wish may be answered right here! Adding blends of oils including roman chamomile, lavender and ylang ylang is a beautiful way to support a restful night sleep.

Try adding the following foods to your diet, especially if you find yourself tossing and turning at night, counting sheep to get a little shut eye.


Chamomile is commonly known as a mild tranquilizer or sleep inducer. It has calming effects that may decrease anxiety and initiate sleep.  Some chamomile tea can be a great idea before heading to bed to unwind, relax and de-stress. Roman chamomile essential oil in your diffuser or in the bath will help you de-stress and will also help with the production of serotonin.


Pistachios are not only tasty, but they are a jackpot for sleep. They are jampacked with magnesium, protein, and vitamin B6, which have a major role in inducing sleep. Consuming a healthy amount of pistachios before going to bed will knock you out like nothing else. You can eat them raw or add them to a glass of warm milk.  However, more than one ounce of pistachios will have a reverse effect on your body; eat in moderation to avoid exacerbating your sleep issues.


Kiwis contain serotonin, a brain chemical that helps regulate your sleep cycle. Many people actually take serotonin supplements to help with sleep, but wouldn’t you rather eat something that tastes delicious to get the same effect? Not only do kiwis contain serotonin, but they also may boost your sleep abilities due to their levels of vitamin C and carotenoids which reduce inflammation. When I feel that I may not be able to sleep at night, I eat 2 kiwi and they usually do the job.

Tart cherry juice

Tart cherry juice contains high levels of melatonin that regulate your internal clock and send signals for your body to get ready to sleep. Clients who drank tart cherry juice increased their sleep time by 90 minutes!


This fruit is a powerhouse of magnesium and potassium, which serve as natural sleep aids for your body. If you are feeling wide awake late into the night, try a banana to get yourself to sleep. You can even whip yourself up a thick sugar-free banana smoothie before you go to bed. Bananas are high-glycaemic fruits, so try adding in some protein or good fat with your smoothie so sugar levels don’t skyrocket into the night. Some of my favourites are coconut oil or almond butter, but you get to pick!


Walnuts contain tryptophan, which helps produce melatonin and serotonin in the body and improve the quality of our sleep by regulating the sleep cycles. Walnuts contain their own source of melatonin, which may help you fall asleep faster.

Pumpkin seeds

A cup of roasted pumpkin seeds contains around 649 mg of magnesium, which is nearly double the daily recommendation of the National Health Institute. Magnesium supports deep, restorative sleep by maintaining healthy levels of GABA (a neurotransmitter that promotes sleep). Magnesium deficiencies are associated with heightened stress and anxiety, which of course lead to less sleep, so these pumpkin seeds have many benefits.

If you’ve been searching for the magical solution to get more sleep, no need to keep searching. Try to avoid the over-the-counter sleep aid and add these foods to your bedtime routine to get your body on the right path to sound sleep!

If you would like to try my best essential oils for sleep, email me here and I will be happy to send you the blissful night sleep blend.

Yours in health and wellness,


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