Tag: gut health

Banish Belly Bloat with Smart Nutrition Choices

Banish Belly Bloat with Smart Nutrition Choices.

Bloating – that uncomfortable feeling of a swollen belly – plagues many of us. But did you know that with a few strategic nutrition tweaks, you can say goodbye to that pesky puffiness?

Let’s dive into how you can alleviate belly bloat through mindful eating. Firstly, hydration is key. Often, our bodies retain water when we’re not drinking enough. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water a day to keep things flowing and reduce water retention. Infuse your water with lemon or cucumber for an extra digestive boost. Next, fibre plays a dual role in your diet.

While it’s essential for digestive health, too much fibre too quickly can lead to bloating. Gradually increase your intake with high-fibre foods like oats, lentils, and berries to avoid overwhelming your system. Probiotics are your gut’s best friend.

These beneficial bacteria, found in yogurt and fermented foods, help balance your gut flora, which is crucial for reducing bloating. Incorporating a daily probiotic supplement can also be beneficial. Be mindful of food sensitivities.

Common culprits like dairy, gluten, and certain sugars can trigger bloating in sensitive individuals. Try eliminating these foods for a period to see if your symptoms improve. Lastly, slow down at mealtime. Eating too quickly can cause you to swallow air, leading to bloating.

Chew thoroughly and savour each bite to aid digestion and absorption. By focusing on hydration, fibre, probiotics, and mindful eating, you can effectively combat belly bloat.

Remember, a balanced diet not only helps flatten your stomach but also enhances your overall health and well-being.

If you would like to find out more about how I can help you with belly bloating you can download a free eBook here https://trishtuckermay.com/beatthebloat/

Nourish Your Gut for a Positive Menopause

🎉 Wow! I’m blown away! 🙌 Huge thanks to those who have already purchased a copy of my new book.

Nourish Your Gut for a Positive Menopause

The feedback so far has been everything I knew it would be. Women are already starting to feel empowered, excited, and educated with the tools to make menopause a chapter in their life that they don’t need to dread!

You don’t need to do this alone. Grab your copy of the book and be sure to head over to our FB community to feel supported that bit more. 📚💪😊

BUY NOW – Amazon for immediate delivery. 

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Or at Trish Tucker May (After a successful book launch at Community, Sundara and World Yoga Festival I am having a family holiday on the beach at Putsborough. All book orders will be posted once I get back.)

The best foods to heal a leaky gut

When the gut lining deteriorates or becomes damaged, toxins, large food/protein particles, microbes, and other metabolites enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation. This is called leaky gut.  It is important to work on the gut lining to ease your symptoms.

Changing your diet can have an impact on the overall health of your gut and gastrointestinal system. The following food should heal and repair your gut.

If you are concerned about your symptoms, a comprehensive gut microbiome test can help to identify if you have leaky gut.  Click here to get in touch and book a test.

Fermented Foods

Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, tempeh, kefir, and other fermented yogurt or kimchi can help you reduce the gut leaking and repair it in the long run.

Bitter tasting foods

Having a bitter or somewhat a slight acidic diet is essential for keeping the levels of gastric acid in our stomach at proper numbers. Lemon juice or apple cider vinegar in the water level up the amount of gastric acid required for proper digestion and block the leaking of partially undigested foods from the gut.


Having an adequate amount of Omega-3 in your diet can also help you to alleviate the most severe inflammation.

Omega-3 contains HDL (High-density lipoproteins) which are essential for the production of various enzymes for proper breakdown of fat inside the body. The foods which can be looked upon includes;

  • Flaxseed
  • Chia seed
  • Hemp seed
  • Walnuts/Almonds
  • Fish Oil and essential fatty substances

Bone Broth

Having the bone broth two times a day is considered to be more effective because it contains an abundant number of vitamins and minerals also including collagen and glucosamine. Both of which are connective tissues and are used in the lining of the gut and digestive tract.

Herbal Tea

Have 2 cups of the herbal tea daily. You can choose the traditional lemon flavour of the tea or chamomile, honey to sooth constipation.

Foods rich in fibre

Food rich in the fibre increase gut mobility and the helpful bacteria.


  • Whole grain cereals (avoid gluten)
  • Lentils/Legumes
  • Whole vegetables
  • Beans

Green leafy vegetables

Green vegetables and leafy vegetables contain high amounts of oxalates, fibres and provide helpful bacteria for improving your gut.

Consider 2 portions of these each day:

  • Lettuce
  • Cruciferous vegetables
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli


There is a very thin lining of cells which together as a cluster, controls the passing of various substances from the gut into the blood.

When the lining deteriorates, many problems arise as toxins, large food/protein particles, microbes, and other metabolites enter the bloodstream and cause various diseases along with the inflammation of the gut itself.

The causes are numerous ranging from the common towards a few specifics. The diet which we take in contains high amounts of sugars or fats which are the leading cause of gut leakage. Other possible causes include excessive alcohol consumption, stress, bacterial imbalance, antibiotics, food allergies, and gastrointestinal infections.

As for a leaky gut and likewise problems, there is a vast line of treatment options available. The most suitable way is through the diet.

Changing your diet can have an impact on the overall health of your gut and gastrointestinal system. The following food should heal and repair your gut.

If you are concerned about your symptoms, a comprehensive gut microbiome test can help to identify if you have leaky gut. Click here to get in touch and book a test www.trishtuckermay.com/workwithme

Going Gluten Free
Gluten intolerance is a common issue because a damaged gut can’t withstand the aggravated effects of the gluten.

Consider cutting gluten from your diet for 21 days, and you shall witness the positive effects and ease discomfort.

Fermented Foods
Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, tempeh, kefir, and other fermented yogurt or kimchi can help you reduce the gut leaking and repair it in the long run.

These foods not only contain the right set of nutrients in them but also the good source of the bacteria which will countermeasure the effects of bad or ill bacteria which have already breached our bloodstream.

Fermented products when used for longer periods improve the number of good bacteria present in the gut along with increasing immune system and providing support to the gut.

Add Prebiotic Foods to Your Diet
Although the probiotic bacteria are a good source of essential nutrients and enzymes needed to keep the internal of the gastrointestinal tract at an optimum, still there is a blank which needs to be filled. We take the probiotic but overlook to include the foods in our diet which will ensure the longevity of these good bacteria in our gut.

These food include.
• Potatoes/Yams
• Onions
• Barley/Oats
• Citrus fruits/Apples
• Asparagus
• Leeks
• Dandelions
• Chicory
• Garlic

Could Time Restricted Eating Be The Answer to Improved Gut and Hormone Health?

Time-restricted eating, or TRE, is a type of intermittent fasting that involves eating only during a certain window of time each day.

Could it be the solution for your accidental weight gain and your gut health?

” Could Time Restricted Eating Be The Answer to Improved Gut and Hormone Health?”

While TRE isn’t a new concept, it’s been gaining traction as an effective weight-loss tool. I have been reading Gin Stephens’ Book Fast Feast Repeat and I am inspired.

Have you tried intermittent fasting?

Studies have found that time-restricted eating can lead to a significant reduction in body fat and waist circumference, as well as improved metabolic health markers like blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Many clients are finding it an easy lifestyle to stick to. Ladies over 50 find it helpful in managing blood sugar and cravings

Why is time-restricted eating so effective for weight loss?

For starters, it limits the amount of time you have to eat each day, which can help reduce your overall calorie intake.

Additionally, TRE may also promote better eating habits by encouraging you to plan and prepare your meals in advance.

Finally, the act of fasting may also have an impact on weight loss.

Fasting triggers, the body to use stored fat for energy, which can help you burn calories more efficiently.

Fasting has also been linked to improved hormone balance, which can help regulate your appetite and reduce cravings.

Overall, time-restricted eating is a simple and effective way to lose weight.

But remember to pay attention to your body’s hunger cues and don’t overdo it.

Start off with shorter fasting windows and increase the time gradually as your body adjusts.

With a little bit of practice, you’ll be well on your way to a healthier, slimmer you!

If you are struggling with accidental weight gain and you think you might be in your perimenopause, please reach out to me for support.

I run an 8-week coaching programme to help get you started with TRE. This includes meal plans, recipes and accountability calls to help keep you on track and get you to your ideal weight.

Book a call here 

What are the signs that you need a probiotic to support your gut?

Probiotics are live microorganisms, typically bacteria, that are beneficial to the body’s digestive and are vital for a resilient immune system.

But how do you know if you need a probiotic?

Here are some signs that you may need to add a probiotic to your diet.

1. You’re having digestive issues. Gas, bloating, constipation, or diarrhoea, a probiotic may help improve your digestion.

2. You’re feeling fatigued. If you’re feeling more tired than usual, probiotics may be able to help.

3. You’re often sick. If you’re constantly getting sick and can’t seem to shake off the colds and flu, a probiotic may be able to help.

4. You’re taking antibiotics. They kill off both bad and good bacteria in the gut, so taking a probiotic can help replenish the good bacteria that’s been lost.

5. You’re under a lot of stress. Stress can have a major impact on your gut health, and probiotics may be able to help. Research shows that probiotics can help reduce stress-related gut symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhoea.

If you’re experiencing any of the above signs, let’s talk about adding a probiotic to your diet. Probiotics can be found in some foods such as yoghurt and kimchi, or you can take a probiotic supplement. Let me guide you to the best one for you.

Email: trish@trishtuckermay.com

Free FB community

The top 9 things you can do for your gut health

  1. Get enough sleep. If you’re finding sleep difficult, the solution could lie in your digestive tract. Irregular sleeping patterns have been linked to gut health.
  2. Avoid late-night snacks. Allow your digestive system to rest and repair. You will sleep better too.
  3. Eat slowly and chew your food well. The first phase of digestion happens in the mouth. Slow down and chew.
  4. Stay hydrated.
  5. Lower your stress levels. Chronic high levels of stress are hard on your whole body, especially your gut and hormones.
  6. Reduce alcohol and sugar. Did you know that cravings for sugar and booze can be a clear sign that gut health needs help? You will also sleep better if you reduce these.

7. Take a prebiotic, probiotic and digestive enzymes. Superfoods is my No 1 choice and features in all of my gut healing programmes

8. Check for food intolerances – we can test 200 different foods to check if they are causing bloating and gas

9. Change your diet and eat more vegetables. Avoid too many processed foods.

Do you need help with any of these? 

Get in touch. Sometimes you need extra guidance and accountability. That is where I can help you.

Okay, you missed the enrolment for the 3-week belly bloat programme!

I have great news that this and the 8-week programme will soon be ready to do at your own pace.

You can also access the supplements I use in the programme at any time here

WHERE to start with your gut health

Healing your gut IS one of the most important jobs right now.

The benefits of having a healthy gut WILL be life changing.

If you find yourself suffering from constipation, bloating, diarrhea, IBS, eczema and psoriasis your gut is giving you a big GET HELP sign.

But where do you start?

Begin by assessing where you are on your health journey. Make a list of your symptoms. They may be whispers or shouts. Explore all areas of your health, nutrition, and well-being. When it comes to digestion, explore north to south—from the mouth to the colon.

Baselining is important before you begin to make any changes. It is easy to forget how much you have improved once you begin to make healthy changes in your life. Where are you currently in your health journey? Your body will whisper a long time before serious symptoms.

Any type of illness is the way for the body to indicate a new direction required. Your body is always on your side.

All illness or discomfort is a way for your body to get your attention and encourage you to embrace change.

In the 8-week Time To Nourish Programme we follow a simple four-step lifestyle and nutrition solution for better health

• Nourish by removing trigger foods and replace with nutrient rich food.
• Cleanse and reduce toxins and chemicals using gentle techniques to support the detox pathways and the main organs.
• Restore and rebalance by resting, relaxing and working on your mindset and emotional healing.
• Redesign your life to live a life you love, making time for self-care and rediscovering your passion and pleasure.

For more information visit www.trishtuckermay.com

Take the first step today. Let me support you.

Organic Superfood plus – an all-in-one gut healing powerhouse that is easy to take and well tolerated for many gut related symptoms. This can be a great place to start with your gut health journey.

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