Tag: Health

Elevate Your Energy: 4 Fantastic Tips for Vibrational Nourishment

Are you ready to discover the delightful world of raising your vibrations through the magic of food? You’re in for a treat because we’re about to spill the beans (and some ceremonial cacao) on four amazing tips that’ll have you radiating positive energy. Oh, and guess what? There’s a special invite waiting for you at the end, so keep reading!

Tip 1: Embrace the Homegrown Goodness 🥒🥬

Imagine strolling through your very own garden, plucking fresh veggies and leafy greens that you’ve lovingly nurtured. Homegrown food isn’t just about what you’re eating – it’s about the connection you’re building with nature. Local farmers’ markets are another goldmine for vibrant produce. So, get ready to savor the flavors of your efforts and feel that earthy energy infuse your being.

Tip 2: Aromatic Bliss with Wood Essential Oils 💜

Let’s chat about essential oils – the ultimate powerhouses for a balanced and uplifted vibe. Specifically, let’s talk wood oils like cedarwood and sandalwood. These gems are like your wise, grounding companions. Whether you diffuse them, apply them, or create your signature scent, they’ll have you feeling steady and serene in no time. Say goodbye to chaos, and hello to zen!

Tip 3: Sip into Soul Soothing with Ceremonial Cacao 💙

Now, let’s indulge in a little self-care treat that’s bound to make your heart sing. Ever heard of ceremonial cacao? This isn’t just your regular cup of cocoa – it’s a soul-stirring elixir that’s all about opening your heart chakra. Picture this: a cup of ceremonial cacao leftover from a Community Festival, buzzing with the collective high vibes. Sipping on this goodness is like wrapping yourself in a cozy blanket of positive energy.

Tip 4: Find Your Zen with Meditation and Affirmations 🧘

Ladies, it’s time to unwind and recharge. Imagine lying down with your legs up the wall, letting the stress melt away. And guess what? You’ve got the Insight Timer App to guide you through some seriously soothing meditations. But that’s not all – sprinkle in your daily affirmations. These little positive declarations are like mini boosts of self-love, raising your vibrations one empowering word at a time. So, there you have it, – four fantastic tips to infuse your life with high vibrations through the wonders of food and mindful practices. Embrace the goodness of homegrown nourishment, uplift your spirits with wood essential oils, savor the magic of ceremonial cacao, and find your zen with meditation and affirmations. Your journey towards positive energy and well-being is just beginning. Join us in the Facebook community and let’s light up those vibrations together! 🌟🍃🌸

How to Have Better Sleep?

There is very little worse than when you are exhausted, but your brain is still going a million miles an hour. All you want to do is sleep, but your body refuses to calm down. You lie in bed, eyes closed, and sleep just beyond reach.

Melatonin is a chemical in your body that is responsible for regulating your sleep cycles and making you sleep. Your pineal gland is responsible for producing that melatonin. Each night your body produces approximately 25mcg of melatonin to promote a peaceful and restful sleep. Studies have shown that this amount gradually decreases as we age, which may explain why toddlers and youth require more sleep at night than adults.

You can help regulate your sleep and promote more relaxed, restful sleep by helping your body produce melatonin when you need it. If you are having trouble sleeping, try a few of these tips before you turn to medication.

  1. Say “no” to electronic devices and gadgets:

The blue light produced by our phones, laptops, TVs, and tablets may be counteracting your body’s attempts to produce melatonin. Instead of checking your phone or social media accounts before going to bed, read, journal, or even color. These activities are much less stimulating than electronic devices, allowing your brain to start shutting down and encouraging your body to start producing melatonin for the night ahead.

  1. Drink chamomile tea:

Chamomile tea actually has melatonin in it. Drink a warm cup of it in the evening to help your body relax, de-stress, and prepare for restful sleep.

  1. Shower or take a relaxing bath:

Warm water relaxes tense muscles and refreshes your mind. According to research by Loughborough University in Leicester, the relaxing effect of taking a bath before going to bed helps increase the production of melatonin in your body. This is because taking baths and showers reduces the level of the stress hormone cortisol in your body, allowing your body to produce melatonin instead.

  1. Block all sources of light:

Pull all the curtains, shut all the blinds, turn off all the lights. Make your room completely dark. Even the smallest amount of light can disrupt your sleeping and melatonin production. Blocking out all the sources of light while sleeping will significantly boost the melatonin in your body, help regulate your sleeping patterns and promote deep sleep so that you wake you up happy and well rested.

  1. Focus on your diet:

Your diet plays a huge role in your body’s sleeping habits. Studies have shown that reducing or eliminating caffeine and processed foods has a hugely positive impact on your amount and quality of sleep. It is also helpful to avoid trying to sleep on a very empty or very full stomach; both can leave your body focused on processes other than sleep. A light snack or a warm cup of tea just before bed can help calm hunger pangs without overtaxing your body.  What are the best foods to help you sleep? – watch here

Reminder of the key hormones needed for sleep: Melatonin, Cortisol, Serotonin and impact on immune system

VITAL TIPs: Manage stress and support your adrenals.


Ways to support your immune system with daily rituals that are easy to do.

  • Meditation
  • Journaling
  • Tapping – EFT at the end of the day to calm the mid and process anything you are still feeling
  • Cool dew on your feet at night or a cold shower on your feet
  • Cold water therapy
  • Supplements such as 5HTP, CBD, Magnesium glycinate – talk to me I can guide you.

Sleep is a 24-hour cycle, not just something that happens when you go to bed.

In the morning, your body makes cortisol to wake you up. In the evening it makes melatonin to make you sleepy

Hormonal factors that influence sleep can include making too much cortisol, making cortisol at the wrong times of day, and not making enough melatonin.

Serotonin also influences sleep. Essential oils can support serotonin. The best essential oils on the planet can be purchased here  Vetiver, lavender and roman chamomile are my favourite and I use them every night.

A healthy sleep cycle includes anchoring both cortisol and melatonin, so that you are awake and alert when you should be, and tired when you should be.

Sleep is when we repair cells – the heart of the immune system!


If you would like to learn more about my hormone tests get in touch. When we get to the root cause of why you are not sleeping – your life will change forever!


Yours in health and wellness,


The Benefits of Yoga

Yoga, Nutritionalist
Yoga is a disciplined Hindu exercise routine that focuses on breathing, posture, and mindfulness. The practice of yoga was initially founded in ancient India and is a part of Hindu religious practices. It has grown in popularity and is now practiced by a large population of people searching for health and mental peace.
The main goal of practicing yoga is to attain “moksha,” which means “liberation.” According to many yoga gurus, there are five main goals or elements of yoga. These five main elements are:
Yoga, award winning nutritionist

  • Being disciplined toward attaining a goal
  • Controlling your body movements
  • Controlling your mind
  • Connecting with your spiritual self
  • Attaining the highest level of self-awareness
  • Yoga provides a lot of benefits to our body, health, and mind. Here are just a few of them.


  1. It improves your body’s flexibility.

Yoga can help make you more flexible and agile, especially with regular practice yoga. This flexibility can help prevent injuries or strain and help relieve muscle and nerve pain.

  1. It helps build muscle strength.

With regular practice, yoga can also help build muscle strength and tone. This strengthening of our muscles can also help protect us against pain and various diseases like arthritis.

  1. It improves your posture.

Yoga can help improve your posture, preventing backaches and neck pains and strain. Young yoga practitioners have also reported an increase in height due to the improvement in their posture. A straight spine can balance your whole body much more easily than a spine that lacks good posture. Poor posture can cause your body to strain and cause you to feel lazy and tired. It also puts you at higher risk for degenerative arthritis of the spine.

  1. It improves the overall health of your bones.

Yoga can help improve your bone strength and health and prevent breaks or fractures.

  1. It regulates the circulation of your blood flow.

Regular yoga practice can help improve the circulation of your blood flow, especially in your feet and hands. This prevents your body from swelling or becoming inflamed. A healthy and regulated flow of blood in your body encourages overall better health. It also helps provide oxygen to your lungs and regulate the transfer of oxygen to your tissues by boosting the level of red blood cells and haemoglobin in your body. All of this can help reduce your risk of stroke and other forms of heart diseases and illnesses.

  1. It lowers stress levels.

Yoga brings you mental peace by helping you manage your stress levels through deep breathing exercises and practiced mindfulness.

  1. It helps maintain your blood pressure.

Regular yoga practice has been found to be greatly beneficial in maintaining your body’s blood pressure.

  1. It helps in regulating your adrenal glands.

Yoga can help lower your cortisol levels, helping to regulate the functioning of your adrenal glands. Healthy adrenal glands can help you in losing weight and maintaining overall health.

If you would like to learn more about my 8-week gut healing and hormone balancing program, click here
Yours in health and wellness,
Trish Tucker-May

How to Commit to Change so that it lasts

Change is healthy and necessary, and the fast-paced world in which we live is constantly changing. If we fail to adapt and commit to change, then we will fail to thrive in life. If you sit down and reflect honestly, you will probably observe that change is the only constant thing in our lives.

It is imperative that we learn to adapt and commit to change.

Here are a few ways to help you commit to change.

#1: Define your commitment

First things first, define what type of change you want to commit to.  In the 8-week to feeling fabulous program we spend time to get clear and honest with ourselves about what we really want to change and why.  When the WHY is big enough you will move mountains.

If you do not know what you are committing to, then you will never be able to deeply commit to change.

Be clear and be honest while defining your commitment. Make a plan by defining why you are doing this and how are you going to do this. You can use a notebook for this purpose and journal about what you really want for your future self.

Let’s use the example of fitness. If you do not like the condition your body is currently in, you might decide to change it.

You must define why are you doing this; be as clear, honest and detailed as you can. Then draft a plan regarding the methods you are going to practice achieving this, such as improving your eating habits and increasing your physical activity.

This will make you aware of what you are committing to and prepare yourself for the work ahead.


#2: Do not be a spectator

The second thing to improve commitment to change is to make sure you are not “faking it!”

Don’t say you want to change without participating in the effort.

Commitment is an obligation that you cannot fulfil if you do not fully engage with it.

I did this for years about ditching the booze. I wanted the change, I wanted the better sleep and the calmer nerves but I wasn’t ready to doing the work.  Once I made a commitment to myself, doing the work and being persistent became so much easier.  I had to dig deeper into my WHY. Once the reason why became bigger than the perceived benefits of the habit, the change was easy.

Staying with the example of fitness, you are just “checking the block” if you are just going to the gym to say you went to the gym.

If you are not changing your eating habits as well; you will not reach the results you want.   I love helping women make lasting change in all areas of life. This goes beyond gut healing and becomes a who life journey.

Once you have a small success in one area of your health you will also have the motivation to change other areas of your health.

Before you know it, you are sleeping all night long, feeling great about yourself, feeling lighter and more aligned to your life purpose.

To get the best results and to fully embrace the change, you have to commit to a healthy overall lifestyle with persistent effort AND by changing your eating habits.

You must completely invest yourself in what the change requires.


#3: Be persistent

Commitment requires persistence.

You cannot chicken out because you are finding it hard to adapt to change or if the change is not immediately working out for you. That is not how it is done. To acquire great results from the change, you have to practice persistence.

Again, using the example of fitness, some days you will do well; you will eat healthy meals and you will workout like a beast. Other days will not go so smoothly.

These small failures only equate to big failures if you do not persevere and power past them to try again the next day.

You must be persistent to get the results your heart desires.


#4: Revisit and Refresh your motivations often.

Motivation is not permanent; it requires revisiting and refreshing. Motivation doesn’t fall out of the sky and land in your lap. It happens once you start to make progress.

Go back to your notebook where you defined your commitments. Re-read those reasons and plans that you wrote down while you were defining your commitments when you were powerfully motivated.

This will reignite that spark. If your motivations have changed, draft your plan again and add some new reasons to the list.  Your reasons WHY will change as you get older.  Maybe it has gone beyond your kids and becomes more about your energy, your life purpose and what you want to achieve in this life.

Committing to change—any change—is significant and can be daunting.

Take some “baby steps” with these four tips to get started and remember that slow and steady wins the race.

If you would like to learn more about my 8 weeks to feeling fabulous guided program book a free discovery call so we can see if the program is right for you. Book a time that is suitable here


Yours in health and wellness,

Trish Tucker-May



8 Foods to Give You Energy

You need loads of energy to get through your day. When you feel like slacking or low on energy, you most likely need to get some nutrient-dense foods in your system. Here are some foods that will give you a quick boost of lasting energy without the crash.

Bowl of Oats
Oats for Energy

  1. Oats:

Oats are one of the easiest and most delicious and versatile ingredients ever. Oats contain the healthy type of carbs that are a great source of energy. They help metabolize the energy in your body by providing nutrients like vitamin B, thiamine, folate and niacin. Oatmeal is personalized energy! You can throw in whatever ingredients you like. Soaking oats overnight make them easy to digest.

To enjoy a warm bowl of delicious oatmeal, try this recipe:

Boil two scoops of oatmeal in a pinch of salt, a cup of water, and two tablespoons of peanut butter. Cook until the water is absorbed and it looks a little soupy. You can even sprinkle some black pepper on the top for additional taste and seasoning.

  1. Eggs:

Eggs can provide 30% of the protein your body requires and help strengthen and build your muscles. You can use eggs however you like. You can make an omelet, scramble them up, or simply hard-boil them. Having protein and fat at every meal can help you feel fuller for longer. Be fussy about the quality of your eggs. Happy free range hens will lay eggs that have great nutritional value then caged hens.

  1. Yogurt:

Yogurt may be an easy thing to snack on, but it also provides your body with an incredible amount of energy. It’s milk, lactose, and low sugar levels are responsible for the energy, and the protein helps slow food digestion so you can store the energy for a longer period of time.  Adding ½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper and one drop of DoTERRA lemon oil is a great way to fire up your digestion.

  1. Shrimp:

Shrimp is rich in vitamin B12 and very low in calories. Vitamin B12 helps your body produce energy at a much faster rate. Shrimp also contains omega 3 fatty acids, which help boost your mood and your energy levels. If you are vegan, you can obtain B12 by brewing your own kombucha or fermenting sauerkraut. If you have a look on my website and Fb page I share how to make these.

5. Hummus:

This Mediterranean dish is made from various herbs, spices, and chickpeas. It also contains olive oil, lemon juice, and sesame seed paste. These ingredients provide the nutrients and healthy carbs needed to help our bodies produce energy.  They also contain healthy fats and protein, which means that you will be able to store that energy for a longer period.  Soaking chickpeas in water and 2 spoons of apple cider vinegar will help remove phytic acid and make them easier to digest.

  1. Strawberry:

Strawberries contain natural fructose, which gives you a quick yet sustainable boost of energy. You eat them raw or add them to your oatmeal, acai bowls or smoothies.

  1. Spinach:

Mitochondria are the powerhouse of cells. Spinach contains nitrates that are responsible for improving the efficiency of mitochondria, helping provide energy to your cells.

  1. Bananas:

Bananas not only provide your body with energy but also help in storing it. They make a perfect snack before you head to the gym.

Try adding some of these foods to your diet to boost your energy levels and power up your body’s performance!

If you would like to learn more about my 8 week gut healing program just click here

Yours in health and wellness,

Trish Tucker May

The Best 8 Foods to Balance Blood Sugar

Foods to Balance Blood Sugar

Balanced blood sugar levels are crucial to a healthy and prosperous life. Balanced blood sugar levels prevent disruption of your body’s functions and help your overall health. Here are a few foods to add to your diet to help balance your blood sugar:

  1. Greens:

You can never eat too many greens. For the best blood sugar benefits, go for nutrient-dense, low-carb greens like

The Best 8 Foods to Balance Blood Sugar
Eat Greens to Balance Blood Sugar

spinach, kale, and broccoli. These greens are also very rich in protein and calcium, which help your body in multiple areas. You can toss these greens in salads with olive oil and chunks of salmon. Studies have shown that these three vegetables contribute to dramatic improvement in patients who are constantly battling with their blood sugar.

  1. Low fructose fruits:

Fruit is always a must, but for blood sugar-specific management, choose fruits that are low fructose, such as cantaloupe, raspberries, blueberries, kiwi, and blackberries. You can snack on them throughout the day, or toss them in your salad, smoothies, or acai bowls.

  1. Protein:

Protein is essential for slowing down glucose absorption in your body, which helps regulate your blood sugar levels. Add foods to your diet that are packed with protein, like wild salmon and other types of fish, beef and other types of lean meat, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, and eggs. Make your diet interesting; try snack ideas like celery sticks dipped in all-natural peanut butter. This snack is rich in protein and only contains the good kind of fat. Remember everything in moderation, however. Too much protein actually can become sugar in your blood, creating a condition called gluconeogenesis; 40 to 70 grams of protein is enough for a day.

  1. Herbs and Spices:

Herbs and spices are natural supplements for balancing your blood sugar levels. They not only add flavour to your dishes, but they may also help your hormone’s lower your blood sugar. Some spices, like turmeric, contain anti-inflammatory properties, which help in balancing out your sugar.

  1. Low-calorie drinks:

Cut out sugary, high-calorie drinks from your diet. Add drinks like cinnamon tea, lemon water, and cucumber juice in your daily routine.

  1. Whole grain foods:

Whole grain foods that are also rich in protein, like millet and quinoa, provide and store energy without causing spikes in your blood sugar levels.

  1. Beans:

Beans are a good source of protein, low carb, and rich in fiber, all important factors in balancing your blood sugar. Hummus, lentils, and garbanzo beans are good examples and great dietary choices. Remember to soak them the night before to promote easier digestion.

  1. Nuts:

Nuts like almonds and walnuts contain healthy amounts of fiber, protein, and healthy fats, and are a low carb snack idea.

Try balancing your blood sugar the natural way by changing the way you eat. You’ll be amazed at the difference!

If you would like to learn more please book a discovery call,  just click here.

Yours in health and wellness,




Trish Tucker May

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