Tag: perimenopause

The Healing Power of Menopause Global Summit 2023.

I’m excited to announce that I’m among over 20 guest speakers, educators, scientists, women’s health specialists, menopause, and gut health professionals, including Kate Codrington, Dr. Sarah Mckay, Professor Joyce Harper, Uma Dinsmore-Tuli, Rachel Lankester, Shola Arewa and many others featured on The Healing Power of Menopause Global Summit 2023.

You’ll receive not only facts, solutions, support, and guidance, but also wisdom, connection, shared experiences, practices and gifts you can apply straight away.

Click here to sign up for this event –  at no charge

During this 5 day event you will learn:

  • What exactly is happening to your body and brain
  • How to navigate perimenopause and get the support you need
  • Remedies and practices for all ranges of symptoms and needs
  • That nature, rest, and reorganising can be your best friend
  • How the transition to post-menopause can result in the best years of your life

Best Foods to boost libido

Ladies, we need all the help we can get when hormones are fluctuating in the perimenopause and menopause.

Your sex drive, or libido, is greatly influenced by biological and physical factors. What you put into your body can have a direct impact on how you feel and how your body reacts to physical stimulation.

Different foods stimulate different hormones and chemicals in your body and stimulating the right ones can help improve your libido.

Here are some foods that can help improve your performance and increase your sex drive.

1.Strawberries are rich in Vitamin C and a host of antioxidants, both of which have been linked to higher sperm count in men.

2.Avocados are good for your health in general, but especially for your heart health and blood circulation. They are packed with vitamins E and B6, potassium, and monounsaturated fats, which are all important for a strong, healthy heart.

3.Almonds contain selenium, zinc, and vitamin E. These minerals and vitamins have been shown to improve sexual health and performance. Zinc is helpful in producing testosterone, while vitamin E is good for heart health and selenium is helpful with fertility issues. The omega-3 fatty acids in almonds may also improve sex drive.

4.Sweet potatoes are rich in potassium, beta-carotene, and vitamin. Potassium helps with high blood pressure, which has an impact on erectile function. The beta-carotene provides vitamin A, which may be helpful in cases of infertility.

5.Pesto is great for peak performance because of its high levels of zinc. Women with higher levels of zinc are found to have better sex drive, and the pine nuts in pesto are an excellent source for this.

6.Watermelon is a great libido booster. It contains more lycopene than tomatoes and is comparable to Viagra in its ability to relax muscles and increase blood circulation to certain areas of your body.

7.Pomegranate is good for virility. Pomegranate has a positive effect on erectile dysfunction and has antioxidants that are linked to improved blood flow.

8.Coffee contains a particular stimulant that promotes a good mood, especially women.

9.Chocolate increases both serotonin and dopamine levels, leading to a happier, more relaxed, and less stressed state of mind. It is a great mood booster and has been shown in studies to heighten feelings of arousal and sexual passion.

10.Celery contains steroids called androsterone and androstenol. When consumed, these chemicals travel through our sweat glands and work to attract the opposite sex. It also has arginine, which helps expand blood vessels in the same way Viagra does.

If you would like to learn more about our Time To Nourish packages for the perimenopause and menopause email trish@trishtuckermay.com

Love Trish

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